So, I've had some people ask me about my garden, and what I'm growing, what I'm growing them in, etc. I had to go into work today to do some gardening, so I figured today was a good day to take some pictures, and check on the bunnies.
It is a hot, sunny day in Chicago today, and even though rain is in the forecast, it's clear out right now. It was the perfect day to garden, and I was happy to get out there and take care of some stuff.
So first, let me tell you about what I'm growing and what kind of space I'm working with. First off, I should tell that I inherited this space, and though I plan on expanding the garden this year, I'm only planting in the raised beds I inherited. The beds are 8.5 ft x 4.5 ft, and are not in the best shape. I anticipate they will last me for another two or three years before the wood in some of them needs to be replaced. Total, I have 9 raised beds, one of which has a small tree in it. Ideally, I'd like to get that tree out, but my team and I decided to put flowers in there, which made them happy. Am I the only one who likes to garden mostly vegetables and fruit?? Flowers are nice, but not at all what I'm into growing. I like plants with a purpose.
We started all of our seeds inside the greenhouse, and everything that we've grown has been from seeds, with the exception of one tomato plant that A.P.'s coworker donated. We put it in the garden since a storm a few weeks back knocked out one of our tomato plants. We've lost all but two of our squash plants (we had something like 10 or 15), and we've lost all of our pumpkin plants (we had about 10) due to storms, pests, and shock from being replanted in the garden. We also lost about five corn plants because of a violent storm that hit Chicago last week (the one that made everyone pile into a tunnel at O'Hare). Since then, I've taken more precautions against both pests and storms. We still have about 7 corn plants that are waiting to get transplanted, so hopefully we won't have our pumpkin problem with the corn. We also lost a couple of cucumber plants RIGHT after I put them in last week. So, this past Monday, my team and I worked to secure bird netting around those plants. They are looking good, now. Here are some pictures of the plants when they were still in the greenhouse.
Here are some pictures of the garden, and what's growing in it.
Here's me with the peppers and cucumbers in the background (I forgot to take a picture of this bed). There are three cucumber plants on each end, and 12 pepper plants in the middle. There are six regular sweet pepper plants, and six peperoncini plants. They are in milk jugs for two reasons: storms and pests. Those will be removed later when the plants get a little bigger and stronger.
Finally, this is the flower bed with the tree in it (and a team member's arm and leg). You can also see the sad replacement squash plants I bought at Home Depot. I watered them all morning, and brought them home to care for them over the weekend. Now, they're all perked up and happy. So far, there's not much in this bed. We're still hardening off some Zinnias and Marigolds, which we'll probably get put in either next week or the week after. We're a bit lazier about the flowers, no doubt. What is planted in here are some Begonias and Petunias I bought at Home Depot last week so I could blow the last of the grant money. We also have some Celosia, Poppies, and Painted Daisies that we grew from seeds. It's going to be a hot mess of colors and not one matching shade! I'm not a very good landscape artist, I suppose.
We have two more beds that are waiting for some plants. One, we planted in today. We planted spinach, mesclun greens, Four Seasons lettuce, and broccoli. Those will hopefully nice and big when I go back into work after the holiday. In the mean time, we watered the hell out of the bed, and laid plastic over it to create a greenhouse-like environment for the seeds to grow. I'll go back and water between now and next week, but I'm hoping the seedlings will pop a little bit quicker, like they did in the hoop house.
The last bed is a bit of a mystery. It might become a weird mishmash of leftover plants, or I might break down and buy some new stuff from Home Depot. We for sure have some baby broccoli in the green house, along with cherry tomatoes, a couple of leftover cucumbers, and watermelons. We started out with so many plants (see some old pics below), it made my head explode a bit, and now, we've had so many problems (cold snaps, thunder storms, tornado-like winds, rabbits, squirrels, birds, etc.) that I'm almost like a plant hoarder, keeping them in the greenhouse just in case. I'll take some more pictures of the garden again in a couple of weeks so you can see the progress and what else we decided to put in.
Now, on to the thing you really care about: the baby bunnies! Today, when we checked on the bunnies, their eyes were open! They were so cute, and the mother had removed the grass/fur ball that covered them. They were just there, ready to roam my bed.
I took my dog Radar in to garden, too, which he loved. He's now a pile on the couch as I type. He's absolutely exhausted! He wore his little gardening/camping vest, and we put him in things to amuse ourselves. He helped us out by following us everywhere and being super cute. We were worried he'd find the bunnies and attack, but he was very good.
I was worried about watering the plants, but figured I'd just do what I'd been doing which is to sort of drown the one side and hope it would seep over. So while I was watering the plants, I see one rabbit jump out of the bed and go running towards the building. I was like a surgeon people! Code red! I yelled to a team member, "Get me some gloves!" so that I could touch the thing without my scent getting all over it. Then we cornered the little thing and after struggling with the quick sucker, I scooped it up. At first, he was super freaked out, but I pet him a little and he chilled out. We took some pictures before putting him back into the bed with his brothers and sisters. We then named him "Scamper," and said good-bye. We don't anticipate the babies will be there next week, but we'll see. I will probably go back between now and then and take some more photos, but it definitely seems like the mama wants them to explore the world.
I hope you guys will forgive me for this long post, but I figured it's best to get it all done in one post. Then anything else will be a quick update! Perhaps next week, I'll give you a proper photo tour of the greenhouse, too! It's a little bit messy at the moment.
(All Photos by me!)