
Daring? Me? Eh...

Do any of you know about some of these daring bakers out there? It seems like everyone is a bit of a daring baker these days. Or a daring cook. Either way, they're daring! They make all these complicated, crazy desserts and blog about them. Some participate legitimately, and some do not (if you opt out more than 4x a year, you're excluded from official membership).

I'm always a bit humbled by all these brave, bold bakers! They make things I wish I could make. And it's not that I'm incapable, it's just that I've gotten incredibly lazy about cooking and baking over the last two years (yet another thing I love claimed by my work life). I have so much respect and so enjoy reading the blogs of so many of these daring peeps not just because I'm jealous of their ability to create these fabulous desserts, but more so because they take the time out of their busy schedules to do it.

So I'm thinking that maybe this month, I'll get a bit audacious myself. I'm not promising miracles, but it would definitely be a step in the right direction in terms of putting me before work (a to do on my 2011 list). Since Valentine's Day is next week, I was thinking about making this:

Want to be fearless with me? The tutorial for the cake can be found here.

(Photo via I am Baker, Found via A Cup of Jo)

PS. How many more synonyms for daring do you think I could have squirmed into this post? I'm guessing five more.


  1. Every time I see this I want to make it. To the extent I have printed out the recipe!

    Maybe this valentine's day? Maybe!!

  2. Ooh pretty! Send me a piece?

  3. @anna and the ring: Maybe we should both make it and post about it? We can be bold together! : O )

    @runnnyyolk: Will do! : O )


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