Today, I turn 30 years old. It's really not that big of a deal. You think it's going to be a big deal, but it's not. Getting old is pretty much something you get used to after 21, and you realize that every birthday after that is just about getting older.
I'm trying to get back on track with blogging this week. I've pumped enough hours into work lately, that I'm a bit ahead of the game. I'm also happy to report that even though I stayed up until, like 3 in the morning last night doing work, today I'm celebrating with A.P. (I have the day off of work, and he took the day off) and I'm not doing a lick of work.
So, with 30 still feeling fresh and new, I figured it's a good week to check in with my list for 2011.
1. Lose the rest of the weight I've gained since I started dating A.P. four and a half years ago. Do it at my own pace, and without headache or self-loathing.I've actually gained weight. It's not a lot, but it's not the direction I was hoping to go in either. Oh well. I'm getting used to my curvier body, too. I can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing.
2. Do my knee exercises more often. I have a bum knee. It's sad and true that I have a bum knee and I'm not even 30. Supposedly if I did these exercises 3-5 times a week, it'd be less of a bum knee (but still technically a bum knee).This has become especially important lately because, as I lamely told A.P., the cold makes my knee hurt. Lately, we've had this damp, icky cold weather, and it's been making my knee hurt even more. I know. I sound so old. Ugh. Anyway, I did some exercises the other night, and it felt really nice. So I'm going to try to do them 3x a week. I've moved the gear into the room, and I figure before bed is a good time to do some
monster walking.
3. Wear this sexy green dress I bought several years ago that I, for whatever reason, have never worn.Still haven't done this one. It's got no sleeves, so I'm thinking when the weather warms up.
4. Find a bra to wear with the sexy green dress.Still haven't done this one either. What can I say, when one hasn't been the priority, the other falls to the wayside, too.
5. Get measured for a bra. It seems like every time I gain weight, my boobs get bigger. But then when I lose weight, my boobs stay the same size. I've been guestimating for too long what size bra I am. It's time to bite the bullet and let some old lady at the department store grope me a bit.I haven't been measured for a bra, but I did find some that fit pretty nicely the other day. They're probably way off, but I just haven't had time lately to go to a department store. And frankly for now, I'll settle for a good bra that fits and isn't ugly as hell.
6. Make A.P. take me out on a fancy date so that I can wear the damn green dress!So, technically, A.P. took me out on a fancy date for my birthday. But I didn't wear the green dress. It wasn't really appropriate. I did wear the black cocktail dress I was supposed to wear on our wedding day, though. So that was kind of a big deal.
7. Take our engagement photos. Yes, that's right. We still haven't done that. Oops.Gotta do #1 first. Plus we're waiting for warmer weather? I don't know. We just never think about it.
8. After we take our engagement photos, chop off my hair. I found this old picture of my grandmother and am thinking about whacking off my hair so it looks like hers (in a slightly more updated way, though I do sort of appreciate the vintage charm of this cut).See above.
9. Travel somewhere exotic...again. We went to Belize on our honeymoon and it was my first time really visiting an exotic location. I see what the fuss is about.We were going to try to do a mini-cruise to the Bahamas interwoven in our trip to Florida, but I think that's a bust. So, now, well, we're just working on it. Maybe when summer gets a bit closer?
10. Join a team sport of some kind. Possibly rope A.P. into joining, too. I want to be a part of a kickball team. Or maybe a good badminton foursome? I just want to exercise in a way that isn't in a gym, with my headphones on, ignoring everyone.We're not joining a team, but I'm trying to get A.P. to take a badminton class with me at the local park district. I think I'm this close to getting him to let me sign us up. It's $10! How can you go wrong? If you hate it, you just don't go back. After all, you've spent less than a night at the movies!
11. Scrapbook. That's right. I said it. Scrapbook.I really don't want to talk about this one, because it involves what I was hoping to work on for our wedding anniversary, and I've been so busy with work, I haven't done it at all. Lame, lame, lame.
12. Pay off my credit card before my 30th birthday. When I was 21 years old, I studied abroad in Italy. In order to get myself there, I had to put my airfare on a credit card. I've had credit card debt ever since. What's funny about that is how little I actually use my credit card and how totally not reckless with money I am. For almost a year, I carried an expired credit card in my wallet because I forgot to change it out. That's how little I use my credit card. I've just never been in a position to pay it off completely. This goal is almost completed. On my 30th birthday, I will make my last payment, and the balance will be $0!Did this yesterday! Scheduled my last payment for today, and I am officially credit card debt free. I'm excited to have a ton of money freed up each month. And on to the next chunk of debt: school loans. Fun, fun, fun!
13. Get my life organized and keep my apartment clean.The place is a mess. This so isn't happening. Though I'm hoping to work on it a bit today. Something about turning 30 makes me want to clean this joint up.
14. Find a way to get my life organized and keep my apartment clean.Uh, obviously haven't done it if number 13 is still a hot mess.
15. Try out the GTD system. (Not GTL...that joke never gets old with me.)I tried. I failed. It's complicated. Some things about it though have gotten me thinking, like the premise of doing things if they take 2 minutes or less. That's just good sense.
16. Get new glasses. My prescription hasn't really changed much, but the last time I bought glasses was an embarrassingly long time ago. I want some new, rad glasses I can sport around town.A.P. just got his prescription updated, and we went to go pick up his new lenses yesterday. I tried on a bunch of glasses and it inspired me to get some new lenses. I think that with my freed up income and my additional overtime, I will splurge on a nice pair of frames in a couple of months.
17. Go camping in Michigan again. For a while, I did this trip annually, but A.P. and I have taken other trips the last two summers (Smoky Mountains, where we got engaged, and our wedding present trip to Montreal), and so didn't end up going camping. I miss it, and it's always fun to take the dog on a trip.Wait until simmer.
18. Write random, lovely letters. When was the last time you wrote someone a handwritten letter? Not a birthday card or a thank you card, but a real hello, how are you letter? I want to write at least five random hello, how are you letters. Email is overrated.I've had this lovely set of stationary that I bought for this purpose laying on my coffee table for the past month or so. I can't think of one person I want to write a letter to. What a bummer, huh?
19. Play badminton more. We registered for, and awesomely got a badminton set for our wedding. We only got to play once last summer, but it was so much fun! I want to make it a point to go to the park, set up the net, and bat around the shuttlecock (love that it's called a shuttlecock, btw).If I can get A.P. to take that class, I can cross this off my list. Keep your fingers crossed ladies!
20. Read more. If only you knew what I did for a living. If only you knew how little I read. You'd be as embarrassed for me as I am for me. I read magazines all the time, but I need to find some new authors/books that I can enjoy. (Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments).I hate to admit it, but that Kindle has been a huge boost for me in terms of how much I've been reading. I read the following since January (and you can judge me all you want for that first choice, but we ALL have guilty pleasures, and one of mine is Tori Spelling, so suck it)
- Uncharted TerriTORI by Tori Spelling (which I read in like a week, which seems like a long time, but I only read before bed for about 10-20 minutes)
- Easily Amused by Karen McQuestion (good, but the ending felt like a let down, and there were some annoying grammatical/usage mistakes that annoyed me)
- Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua (I've already commented on how this book is going)
I've also wish listed Wendy Kopp's new book, A Chance to Make History, as well as some others. Kindle, despite it's boring display, lack of features, and frustratingly high price for a digital file, has transformed my reading life.
21. Rotate in some new old shows. I watch a lot of TV shows. So many, in fact, that sometimes I have to stop watching shows for a while, and rotate in other ones, which means I can get a few seasons behind. Right now I'm super behind on Mad Men, Dexter, Rescue Me, and Big Love. I aim to get caught up before new seasons start up again (particularly Rescue Me and Big Love, which both end this year).I've been working too hard to watch anything but mindless reality TV while I work. I'm thinking about joining Hulu Plus, though. That might get me caught up. Not sure if it's worth the 7.99/mo price, though.
22. Buy a home. This might trickle over to the beginning of 2012 (hopefully before the apocalypse), but we've been talking about it a lot lately, and think that we can start looking for a place by the end of the year.Still working on this.
To be continued tomorrow...
Check back to see what the hell else I've been putting off.